Saturday, April 04, 2009

The poor dear

I was looking through some really old Workbasket magazines that I bought on ebay a few years ago. They are from 1955 and they just have a variety of craft projects and recipes. A woman's magazine for sure. The best part are the ads. Most are just to buy Christmas cards(50 for $1.50) and address labels(300 for $.50). But this poor woman caught my eye. Let me type it out for you. It's a full page 5x7 ad. The italics were part of the ad.

Is it getting worse -- night after night?

In the stillness of the night you lie there. It's been this way for hours. You've been asleep--yet you haven't.
You've had many restless nights like this before. Too, too many.
As you lie there, all tense and rigid--you try not to fret about problems. And when the morning light does appear, you wish with all your heart that you didn't have to get up. But somehow you do. Some of your days are just as trying, and perhaps when you're alone, you sometimes find yourself brooding, or even sobbing quietly.
(now, I'm thinking there is a major problem in this woman's life, someone is dying, husband is having an affair, something)
If you've been jumpy, restless, feeling low...or bothered by indigestion or just may be possible that you've been the victim of a seeminly innocent habit or relying on the caffein (sic) in coffee or tea for a quick pick-up.
(it's coffee! will evils never cease to exist!)
Now, it's silly to say that there's enough caffein in a occasional cup of coffee or tea to cause anxiety and tenseness--but cup after cup, all day long, week after week, month after month????
You switch from caffein-heavy drinks to a new, wonderful hot beverage--Imitation Coffee Flavor Instant Postum, now available for the first time!
What a rich aroma this new beverage has! And it's so full-bodied, so satisfying.
(whew, imitation coffee flavor no less, because we know we all drink coffee just for the flavor)
Of course, if you're one of the many people who don't care for the taste of coffee, remember that regular instant Postum is still available. Your grocer has both.
(hallelujah! the grocer will save us!)
Why hot give a fair trial to this satisfying, caffein-free beverage--Instant Postom? See if you don't feel better! Act better! Look better!

Oh, such drama, such despair. I'm so glad there is instant postum out there. To save people like me. I'm throwing out the coffee tonight. Heaven forbid I start looking like this woman. There are too, too many of them out there.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Save me too.