Saturday, June 02, 2007


I've been sick sick sick. I hate it. Mostly just a cough today but it's annoying. I have pictures of my new purchases.

This is 3 skiens of Plymouth Yarn Baby Alpaca Brush and one skein of Sockotta. Made in Peru and Italy, respectively. And I've also bought some bamboo knitting kneedles. I've been wanting to try them. I want to buy some Addi turbo needles next. The alpaca is a shawl for my sister and the sock yarn is just socks.

I've been neglecting the scarves but the socks are coming along. As you can see. One finished and the other with the heel finished. I sure hope they fit my niece. They won't fit me I know.

Tonight I have to work and tomorrow I have to work but I hope to have a little time to relax and knit a bit.

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