Thursday, April 17, 2008


I now have 171 blogs that I read through bloglines. (pardon that I have not updated my blogroll in a very long time) Why do I read them all? Why is the variety so eclectic? Let's see, knitting blogs, craft blogs, humor blogs, geography blogs, lolcats, yoga blogs, food blogs, US dept of state blog, farming, simple living, even 3 blogs that I write myself, maps and pictures and cartoons. What a strange person I am. Even I think I'm strange. I guess I'm looking for inspiration, looking for ideas. You never know where an idea will come from. You never know how an intersection of ideas will produce something wonderful. I think the worst thing a person can do is limit themselves to one set of ideas, to one field. There is so much out in the world, so much to learn and discover. To me, creativity is just using a jumble of other ideas and putting them together in new and different ways. Life would be much duller without all these things.
Have a good day!

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